Saturday, June 27, 2009

Farmer Brady

Back in March our playgroup went to Spence's Farm in Chapel Hill. This place was amazing! It is an actual working farm that does tons of fun stuff with kids. They have after school programs, summer camps, etc. I knew it would be a fun experience, but because our playgroup is mainly compiled of the 3 and under set I was skeptical about how much could be accomplished. Man, did they ever exceed my expectations! The farm and the guides who work there were fantastic. I seriously think this may be my favorite activity Brady and I have done thus far.

The events for the day were digging for worms and weeds, feeding worms and weeds to the chickens, gathering newly laid eggs, observing various other farm animals, brushing ponies, riding a pony and/or a donkey, eating lunch and playing on the playground at the farm. What a fun-filled outing!

Brady is socially and academically confident, but when it comes to the playground or physical activities she is cautious and clingy, overall unsure of herself. You can imagine that this can make for a frustrating playdate when I am longing to speak with adults and she won't leave my side. So, I was pleasantly suprised when B acted as though she was born and raised on a farm. She led the way from activity to activity, pulling the guide's hand rather than mine. She held a chicken for longer than any other kid. So long that the chicken was running for her dear life by the time she put it down. She also held a rooster and a baby chick. She was thrilled to ride a pony and a donkey. And I got to sit back and watch with great pride at my little farmer.

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